The Poomsae or Pumse JANSU or HANSU is the 8th Superior Pommsae.

    The word «Jansu» means water that is the source of life-preserving substance, this poomsae symbolizes the birth of a life, growth, strength, fluidity, harmony, and adaptability.


    Every technique and movement of the Jansu poomsae has to be executed with strength, but also with fluidity and concentration.

    Poomsae are the basic schemes of Taekwondo. These diagrams develop in a series of movements all the important techniques of this martial art, representing a fictitious fight to teach the student in a practical way to use the movements of taekwondo.

    Superior Poomsaes are associated with the degrees of black belt, the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) requires that the practitioners of this martial art know Superior Poomsaes of each «Dan» in order to access the degree of the belt.

    Each poomsae symbolizes in turn an element of life in the case of the Jansu poomsae that represents the 8th Dan, symbolizes water, its movements represent fluidity, the contrast of strength with weakness and change.

    Which movements take place in Poomsae Jansu?

    This poomsae is made up of 27 steps or sequences and 33 movements and techniques among which are the extended blocks (Oe Santul Maki), which are repeated a lot, the side kicks and the direct blows, among many other complicated movements that require concentration and fluidity.

    Sequence scheme


    • Sequences: 27
    • Movements: 33

    First from the forward or front position (Ga)

    – It starts with the starting pose (Moa seogui)

    Sequence 1:

    Take a step with your left foot in the posture known as «Wen ap kubi» (that is, your left leg forward and your right leg is left behind), and then execute a double outward block known as «Sonnal Dung Momtong Gechio Maki ”, This movement is executed starting with the arms in the chest in the“ X ”position and then they move towards the ends, the palms of the hand have to change position and be completely open.

    Sequence 2:

    Even while keeping the hands in the external position, take a step with the right foot and then execute a double internal block with the hands closed (Du Mechumok Yop Guri Chigui), this technique is performed by bringing both arms from outside to inside with the hands completely closed .

    Sequence 3:

    Pick up the right leg by placing it behind the left and turning the trunk to the right (the left leg will be forward and the trunk of the body facing to the right) and then execute an extended left block (Oe Santul Maki), this is executed by blocking with the left arm vertically and the right arm is brought back extending it.

    Sequence 4:

    Without taking any steps, change the position of the trunk of the body back forward and throws a punch with the right hand.

    Sequence 5:

    Pick up the left leg by placing it behind the right and turn the trunk to the left and execute an extended right block (Oe Santul Maki)

    Sequence 6:

    Keeping your feet on the floor changes the position of the trunk back forward, and throws a punch with your left hand.

    Sequence 7:

    Push back your right leg by placing it behind the left and turning the trunk again and executing an extended left block (Oe Santul Maki)

    Sequence 8:

    Keep your feet in the same place, change the position of the trunk back forward and make a right blow.

    From the left position (Da)

    Sequence 9:

    Take a step with the right foot (leaving the left foot behind) and double block out (Sonnal Dung Momtong Gechio Maki).

    Sequence 10:

    Take a step with the left foot and execute a bow strike with the left hand (Wen Akunson Kalchebi).

    Sequence 11:

    Take a little jump with the left foot (returning to the ground with left foot forward and right behind) and performs a double punch with your hands closed looking up (Du Chumok Checho Jirugui).

    Sequence 12:

    Put your left foot behind and execute a low block with an open palm (Pyochok Are Maki).

    Sequence 13:

    Put your right foot back and execute an extended left block with an open palm (Sonnal Kungang Maki)

    Sequence 14:

    Keep your right foot steady and your left foot up (your left foot is a low block)

    Sequence 15:

    With left foot retracted, perform a side kick bringing the left foot to the front, then execute a lateral open blow with the right hand (Chebipum Mok Chigui), this technique is executed by striking (with the right hand and the palm of the open hand) laterally as if our objective was the opponent’s neck, while we carry the left hand (with the open palm) above our head.

    Sequence 16:

    Execute a kick with the right foot and lower it to the floor place it in front, then execute a frontal right blow with the closed hand (Dung Chumok Ap chigui)

    From the rear position

    Sequence 17:

    Take a step back with your left foot and execute a lateral left strike with an open palm (Wen Sonnal Yop Chigui).

    Sequence 18:

    Take a right foot frontal kick and return the foot to the ground by placing it in front of the left foot, then execute a lateral block with the right elbow (Orun Palkup Pyochok Chigui).

    From the right position (Ra)

    Sequence 19:

    Return to the starting position (Moa seogui), take a step with the right foot and execute a bow stroke with the right hand (Orun Akunson Kalchebi)

    Sequence 20:

    Take a small jump with the left foot (when you return to the ground the left foot will be in front of the right) and then execute a double punch with closed hands (Du Chumok Checho Jirugui).

    Sequence 21:

    Step back with your right foot and execute a double low block (Pyochok Are Maki)

    Sequence 22:

    Take a step with the left foot and point the trunk in the left direction, execute a low right block with the hand extended with the left hand above the head (Sonnal Kungang Maki), (palms must be open).

    Sequence 23:

    Retract your right foot as a low block.

    Sequence 24:

    With the right foot back, perform a side kick, place it in front of the left when returning to the ground, and then execute a lateral open blow with the left hand (Chebipum Mok Chigui)

    Sequence 25:

    Perform a left side kick, lower it to the ground by placing it head-on, and then execute a front left punch with your closed hand (Dung Chumok Ap chigui)

    Sequence 26:

    Take a step backwards with the right leg and execute a lateral blow with the open hand (Orun Sonnal Yop Chigui)

    Sequence 27:

    Kick the left foot forward and return it to the ground by placing it in front of the right foot, then execute a lateral block with the left elbow (Wen Palkup Pyochok Chigui).

    Again in the left direction (Da)

    – Return to the starting pose (Moa Seogui).

    The Superior Poomsaes

    We have 9 Superior Poomsaes. These poomsaes are those required by the WT Taekwondo Federation for promotion to DAN degrees.

    1. Poomsae Koryo
    2. Poomsae Koryo
    3. Poomsae Kumgang
    4. Poomsae Taebek
    5. Poomsae Pyongwon
    6. Poomsae Sypcchin
    7. Poomsae Chitae
    8. Poomsae Chungkwon
    9. Poomsae Jansu
    10. Poomsae IIyo


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