The7th pumse or Poomsae Taeguk Chil Chang is the seventh of the eight Taeguk forms used by the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Federation and the WT.

    CHIL CHANG invites the student towards serenity and reflection. They are movements applied at the beginning of the Gan that wants to indicate the stop when the top is reached and is represented by the mountain. It requests stillness and peace.

    TAEGUK CHIL CHANG is GAN = The immobility of the mountain. Tranquility

    This pumse or pommsae is prepared for the change of brown belt grade


    Which movements are developed in the POOMSAE TAEGUK CHIL CHANG?

    This poomsae has 25 sequences and 33 movements. The main positions due to their level of importance are those of bom sogui, both in their defenses and attacks.

    This poomsae is usually used to move to the brown belt. You must take into account that for these movements to appear, you must have a good mastery of techniques as well as be aware of dry blows without exaggerating muscle contraction.


    • Sequences: 25
    • Movements: 33


    What would be the sequence scheme?

    鈥揝equence 1 (Bom sogui – Batagson montong an maki): advance the left foot so that the heel is located at the level of the toes of the right foot (which must be behind). The heel that is forward must be elevated and support only the toes. The two knees must be flexed, while the body must rest its weight on the foot that is behind. Use the right foot as an axis and turn the body to the left side.

    Sequence 2 (Ap chagui / Bom sogui – Montong maki): perform a front kick with the right leg. Execute the tiger position and make medium defense with the left arm, keeping both fists closed.

    Sequence 3 (Bom Sogui – Batagson montong an maki): execute the tiger position again, leaving the left leg behind and performing the position towards the right side.

    Sequence 4 (Ap chagui / Bom sogui – Montong maki): perform the front kick with the right leg, facing the right side. Subsequently, adopt the tiger position and execute medium defense with the right arm.

    Sequence 5 (Tuit Kubi – Sonnal are maki): leave the right foot fixed and moves the left one. Defend down with your left hand.

    Sequence 6 (Tuit kubi – Sonnal are maki): fixed right foot and move the left, taking it back. Make a defense by placing your right arm down.

    Sequence 7 (Bom sogui – Goduro batagson montong an maki): advance the left foot so that the heel is positioned at the level of the toes of the back foot (right). The heel of the foot that is in front should be raised from the ground and be the point of support for the front part of the foot. Both knees remain flexed. The weight of the body rests on the back foot. Perform defense to the middle with the right arm.

    Sequence 8 (Bom sogui – Goduro dung chumok apechigui): repeat Bom sogui but to the right side. Perform fast attack with the fist of the right hand.

    Sequence 9 (Bom sogui – Goduro batagson montong an maki): repeat sequence number seven but to the left side.

    Sequence 10 (Bom sogui – Goduro dung chumok apechigui): perform sequence number eight again but towards the left side.

    Sequence 11 (Moa Sogui – Bo chumok chumbi): place the feet together, and close the right fist and cover it with the left hand.

    Sequence 12 (Ap kubi sogui – Dubong gawi maki): perform the long step with the left leg. Perform a stop with the left arm down while the other arm should be halfway up.

    Sequence 13 (Ap kubi sogui – Dubong gawi maki): repeat the previous sequence but with the opposite arm.

    Sequence 14 (Ap kubi sogui – Gecho montong maki): take a long step with the left leg to the right side. Make defense with both forearms towards the middle part.

    Sequence 15 (Dangkio ollyo murup chighi / Tuit koa sogui – Du checho jirugui): Attack with the right knee. Then cross your legs and perform a simultaneous fist attack at the ribs.

    Sequence 16 (Ap kubi sogui – Okgoro are maki): perform the long front position using the right leg, flexed, while the opposite leg remains extended. Then, defend with both arms crossed with the support of the right forearm on the left wrist.

    Sequence 17 (Ap kubi sogui – Gecho montong maki): take a long step with the right leg and defend with both forearms at chest height.

    Sequence 18 (Dangkio ollyo murup chigui / Tuit koa sogui – Du checho jirugui): Attack with the left knee to the chest, then cross the legs and execute a double fist attack in the middle region of the body.

    Sequence 19 (Ap kubi sogui – Okgoro are maki): perform a long step with the left leg to the left side and execute defense with both arms crossed with the support of the left forearm on the wrists.

    Sequence 20 (Ap sogui – Dung chumok bakat chigui): turn to the left with your left leg forward. Strike the back of the knuckles outward.

    Sequence 21 (Piochok chagui): attack with the right foot simulating holding the 芦opponent禄 with the left hand.

    Sequence 22 (Chu chum sogui – Montong piochok palkup chigui): bend the knees, taking the width of the shoulders as a reference, and strike with the right elbow.

    Sequence 23 (Ap sogui – Dung chumok bakat chigui / Piochok chagui): repeat sequence number twenty but using the opposite limbs and add an attack with the left foot.

    Sequence 24 (Chu chum sogui – Montong piochok palkup chigui / Chu chum sogui – Jansonnal montong yop maki): repeat sequence number twenty-two but in the opposite direction, as well as using the opposite limbs. Bend your knees again and defend with the edge of your right hand, from inside to outside, keeping your body on your side.

    Sequence 25 (Chu chum sogui – Yop jirugui / KIAP): bend your knees and make a lateral attack with your right arm. Finally do the KIAP scream.

    Remember that all poomsae ends in Baro, which is a return to the starting position.



       The Taeguk Poomsaes

    1. TAEGUK IL CHANG: Light and sky. Greatness
    2. TAEGUK I CHANG: Joy and serenity.
    3. TAEGUK SAM CHANG: Fire and sun.
    4. TAEGUK SAH CHANG: Thunder. Courage
    5. TAEGUK OH CHANG: Represents Wind. Flexibility.
    6. TAEGUK YOUK CHANG: Represents Water. Fluency
    7. TAEGUK CHILK CHANG: Represents Summit and mountain. Balance
    8. TAEGUK PAL CHANG: Represents Origin of life. Yin and Earth. .


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